Back-End Development Service
The Back-End Development Service supports a decode middleware for BD products.
We can provide a SDK (System Design Kit) for the basic functions as well as the development of customization according
to customer's requirement.
- The SDK adopts Renesas LSI specialized for BD players.
- High-definition multi coder (both HD/SD become high quality)
- High-performance audio DSP (Audio full option)
- Full HD video output (1080p/60, 1080p/24 Digital Video Output) - The SDK is a development environment including the middleware for BD player.
- Relational Middleware such as BD-J, HDMV and VFS(BD-J developer is Osmosys S.A.)
- APIs which make the application easy to develop
- Coordination of customer's video/audio circuit
- Application interface
- Next Generation's Functions: e.g. network services, DLNA, data management systems based on an embedded database etc.