Data Leakage Prevention Solution HIBUN
Hitachi Solutions
  • >Products
  • >Support for Windows 10 updates in HIBUN/ Restrictions of the servicing model (service option)

Support for Windows 10 updates in HIBUN/ Restrictions of the servicing model (service option)

[Explanations of Abbreviations]
In this document, the following abbreviations are used.

Product Name


HIBUN Device Control HIBUN DC
HIBUN Data Encryption HIBUN DE
(1) Support with Windows 10 Updates
The support status of HIBUN DC and HIBUN DE (hereafter HIBUN) for Windows 10 updates (builds) is as follows. When you purchase a PC, please check if the supported version is installed.
HIBUN will support the latest update in turn. Please do not update to the unsupported version of Windows 10 or install HIBUN to a PC where unsupported version is installed.

Windows 10#1

Versions of HIBUN which supports
the version number#3

Version number#2

Build number#2

Release Date

Restricted Support Versions

Support Versions



October 2022

- 12-00 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25
13-00 to 13-00-/A
13-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE12,UPDATE01a
13-10 to 13-10-/E
13-10 UPDATE03 to UPDATE12

(including Enterprise 2021 LTSC)


November 2021

- 12-00 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25
13-00 to 13-00-/A
13-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE12,UPDATE01a
13-10 to 13-10-/E
13-10 UPDATE03 to UPDATE12



May 2021

- 12-00 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25



October 2020

- 12-00 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25



May 2020

11-50 UPDATE05 to UPDATE06
12-00-/C to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE03 to UPDATE05
12-10 to 12-10-/A,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE08
12-00 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 UPDATE09 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b



November 2019

- 11-50 UPDATE05 to UPDATE06
12-00-/C to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE03 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25



May 2019

11-20 UPDATE06
11-50 UPDATE03
12-00 UPDATE01
11-50 UPDATE05 to UPDATE06
12-00-/C to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE03 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b

(including Enterprise 2019 LTSC)



11-10 UPDATE03
11-20 UPDATE03 to UPDATE05
11-50 to 11-50-/B
11-50 UPDATE02
11-20 UPDATE06
11-50 UPDATE03 to UPDATE06
12-00-/A to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b

The following versions support only the LTSC version of Windows 10 Enterprise.
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25
13-00 to 13-00-/A
13-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE12,UPDATE01a
13-10 to 13-10-/E
13-10 UPDATE03 to UPDATE12




11-10 UPDATE03
11-20 UPDATE03
11-20 UPDATE05 to UPDATE06
11-50-/B to 11-50-/C
11-50 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
12-00 to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b




- 11-10 UPDATE03
11-20 UPDATE03 to UPDATE06
11-50 to 11-50-/C
11-50 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
12-00 to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b




11-10 11-03 UPDATE04 to UPDATE05
11-10 UPDATE01 to UPDATE03
11-20 to 11-20-/C
11-20 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
11-50 to 11-50-/C
11-50 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
12-00 to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b

(including Enterprise 2016 LTSB)



11-02 to 11-02-/D#4
11-02 UPDATE04#4
11-03-/A to 11-03-/C
11-03 UPDATE01 to UPDATE05
11-10 to 11-10-/A
11-10 UPDATE01 to UPDATE03
11-20 to 11-20-/C
11-20 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
11-50 to 11-50-/C
11-50 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
12-00 to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b

The following versions support only the LTSB version of Windows 10 Enterprise.
12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25
13-00 to 13-00-/A
13-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE12,UPDATE01a
13-10 to 13-10-/E
13-10 UPDATE03 to UPDATE12




11-02 to 11-02-/C#4 11-02-/D#4
11-02 UPDATE04#4
11-03 to 11-03-/C
11-03 UPDATE01 to UPDATE05
11-10 to 11-10-/A
11-10 UPDATE01 to UPDATE03
11-20 to 11-20-/C
11-20 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06

(including Enterprise 2015 LTSB)



- 11-02 to 11-02-/D
11-02 UPDATE04
11-03 to 11-03-/C
11-03 UPDATE01 to UPDATE05
11-10 to 11-10-/A
11-10 UPDATE01 to UPDATE03
11-20 to 11-20-/C
11-20 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06

The following versions support only the LTSB version of Windows 10 Enterprise.
11-50 to 11-50-/C
11-50 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
12-00 to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
12-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
12-50 to 12-50-/C
12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
12-60 to 12-60-/E
12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25
13-00 to 13-00-/A
13-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE12,UPDATE01a
13-10 to 13-10-/E
13-10 UPDATE03 to UPDATE12
Only version number on the table are supported.
Your current Version number and Build number of Windows 10 can be confirmed by executing "winver", the Windows standard command.
There are restrictions and notes when using Windows 10 update. For details about the restrictions and the notes, please contact us or your sales representative.
When update Windows 10 of HIBUN installed PC to Version 1511, firstly upgrade HIBUN to 11-02-/D or later, or 11-02 UPDATE04 or later. It has been confirmed that HIBUN does not work properly if Windows 10 is updated to Version 1511 on a PC where an older version than HIBUN 11-02-/D is installed.

(2) Request for defer Windows 10 updates

Defer Windows 10 updates, in order to prevent Windows 10 updates from being applied via Windows Update before HIBUN supports Windows 10 updates.
If HIBUN client installation is performed without deferring Windows 10 updates, HIBUN will display the error message SFINSTCL_MSGID_0198 or SFINSTCL_MSGID_0209 and interrupt HIBUN client installation, in order to prevent Windows 10 updates not supported by HIBUN from being applied accidentally. However, defer settings are not required for the LTSC version of Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 managed by WSUS#5.

【Defer settings】
  • (a) In Windows 10 (version 1809 or later)
  • (i) If you are using HIBUN of the following versions, set the number of days to defer Windows 10 updates
    • 11-50 UPDATE05 to UPDATE06
    • 12-00-/C to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
    • 12-00 UPDATE03 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
    • 12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
    • 12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
    • 12-50 to 12-50-/C
    • 12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
    • 12-60 to 12-60-/E
    • 12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
    • 12-70
    • 12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25
    • 13-00 to 13-00-/A
    • 13-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE12,UPDATE01a
    • 13-10 to 13-10-/E
    • 13-10 UPDATE03 to UPDATE12
  • (ii) If you are using HIBUN other than the above versions, set the branch readiness level to Semi-Annual Channel and set the number of days to defer Windows 10 updates#6.
  • (b) In Windows 10 (version 1803 or earlier)
Regardless of HIBUN version, set the branch readiness level to Semi-Annual Channel and set the number of days to defer Windows 10 updates#6.

In Windows 10 of the following versions, Group Policy has a setting to select the version of Windows 10 update to apply. Even if this setting is enabled, be sure to set the above defer settings.
・Windows 10 (version 2004 or later)
・Windows 10 (version 1803 or later) with the cumulative update published after March 2020 applied

【Defer setting methods】
The following setting methods are setting examples. For the setting methods in each build version of Windows 10, refer to the technical information published by Microsoft Corporation.
  • (a) Setting methods on Settings screen
From the Start menu, select Settings, Update & Security, Windows Update, Advanced options, and then for Choose when updates are installed, set at follows for each build version of Windows 10.
  • (i) In Windows 10 (version 2004 or later)
    You cannot set the defer settings from the Settings screen. Please set the defer settings by the method of (b).
  • (ii) In Windows 10 (version 1903 or version 1909)
    Set the number of days to defer in A feature update includes new capabilities and improvements. It can be deferred for this many days.
  • (iii) In Windows 10 (version 1809 or earlier)
    Set the branch readiness level to Semi-Annual Channel, and set the number of days to defer in A feature update includes new capabilities and improvements. It can be deferred for thismany days.
  • (b) Setting method by group policy
Start up the local group policy editor, and from the tree on the left, click Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Windows Update, and then Windows Update for Business. From the setting items displayed on the right, enable Select when Preview Builds and Feature Updates are received. Select the Windows readiness level for the updates you want to receive, select Semi-Annual Channel, and set the number of days to defer in After a Preview Build or Feature Update is released, defer receiving it for this many days.

We strongly recommend that you set 90 days or more to prevent Windows 10 updates not supported by HIBUN from being applied.

Applicable only when you are using HIBUN of the following versions.
• 11-10 UPDATE03
• 11-20-/C
• 11-20 UPDATE03 to UPDATE06
• 11-50 to 11-50-/C
• 11-50 UPDATE02 to UPDATE06
• 12-00 to 12-00-/E,12-00-D
• 12-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
• 12-10 to 12-10-/B,12-10-B
• 12-10 UPDATE06 to UPDATE23,UPDATE13b
• 12-50 to 12-50-/C
• 12-50 UPDATE10 to UPDATE25,UPDATE13b
• 12-60 to 12-60-/E
• 12-60 UPDATE15 to UPDATE25
• 12-70
• 12-70 UPDATE23 to UPDATE25
• 13-00 to 13-00-/A
• 13-00 UPDATE01 to UPDATE12,UPDATE01a
• 13-10 to 13-10-/E
• 13-10 UPDATE03 to UPDATE12
Even if you do not set the number of days to defer Windows 10 updates, HIBUN client installation will not be interrupted.

[Reference information]
Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted), Semi-Annual Channel, and LTSC point at the following things:

Option Name

Former Name

Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted)
(Abbreviation: SAC-T)
Current Branch
(Abbreviation: CB)
Semi-Annual Channel
(Abbreviation: SAC)
Current Branch for Business
(Abbreviation: CBB)
Long Term Servicing Channel
(Abbreviation: LTSC)
Long Term Servicing Branch
(Abbreviation: LTSB)

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